

The Pitfalls of Transhumanism       By Michael R. Sears       12-12-21

No copyright with author acknowledgment. War room posse deplorable.

The following is not science fiction or conjecture.  The giant money men and oligarchs of the world (Bezos, Musk, Schmitt, Gates, Google, Silicon Valley, Facebook, and numerous others) espouse the following with great dedication and unfettered belief.  They believe there will, at some point in the future, be a convergence to this next step in man’s evolution called the “singularity” when man becomes a type of human & robot mixture amalgam, but this is a great deception.

Many things are now “Trans”.  Even the prefix “Trans” is now a word defined by Webster as Transgender or Transsexual.  So now the homosexuals have not only stolen God’s rainbow, but now the prefix to a word and made it into a word defined in Webster’s. There are thousands of words with the beginning letters “trans”, which in many cases are prefixes.  This prefix, “trans”, in many words means, “To go beyond or to change”.  The devil’s proxies are actively changing words, phrases, and definitions, even making some of them against the law or subject to their “law” of violence, vilification, and cancellation.

In the Bible there are “trans” words:  Transformed by the renewing of your mind, Translated into the presence of God.  The peace of God transcends all our thoughts…So why didn’t Webster use one of these?  It’s because of the mass brainwashing going on with our language and there are many intellectual giant heathens.  Intellectual giants that go out before Satan’s army and openly mock and curse God like Goliath did.

Now we have the made-up word Transhumanism.  (To go beyond or to change humanism or humans).  The 4 progressive pillars of transhumanism, as I see it are: 1. Physical human enhancement through technology mixed with robotics.  2. Mental human enhancement through AI interfaces, drugs, a global brain cloud, etc. 3.  Genetic modification to create the super race but also genetic design that interfaces with computers (sound familiar?)  Hitler would love it.  4. Immortality through complete digitization of the human body and mind, with the elimination of disease, pain and suffering.  (Of course, if this is achieved, you are no longer human, but a 100% robot).  They always leave out the Biblical definition of death which is “the body without the spirit is death” (James 2;26).  You also have Job 32;8, Genesis 2;7, and many more). So it is the spirit of man that God put into us that causes us to be alive and live.  When our unique spirit of man leaves our body, that is death.  Our spirit then goes to a place called Paradise, (that has two sides to it, separated by a great chasm,) as Christ so stated to the one thief on the cross.  So, if you, John or Jane Doe become 100% digitized and robotic, then you are dead and are like your image on a photo that stays behind.  It is not you but only a facsimile of you, without your spirit which has gone either to heaven or hell.  Your consciousness and mind are not left in the robot!  The robot is manufactured.  The human is created; a giant difference. Even a realistic one that simulates human movement and expression to the T is just that, a simulation, but it can fool people into believing that Transhumanism is man’s next step in evolution, when evolution, as we know it today, by observation and by the fossil record, is only micro and not macro evolution and is always restricted to the genetic pool in the DNA.  Dogs turn into Yorkies and Irish Wolf Hounds, but never into cats or goats, which themselves have massive gene pools to allow micro-evolution into all the various varieties.  Macroevolution has never been observed, even in the fossil record; not even by millions of transitional forms, which do not exist.

Transhumanism is another way for the devil to minimize and destroy God’s greatest creation that was made in His image, i.e., with the capacity to be able to fellowship with God the creator, Himself.  To minimize the creation of man is to mock God and thus becomes another pitfall into which mankind will fall.

Now on to AI:  Ex-Google Exec: “Artificial Intelligence is God as a Child — and We Must Love It.”  Mo Gawdat says “AI will surpass us in seven years. Let’s pray The Machine is kinder than we are.”

I would restate it: Artificial Intelligence is our idol as a child and we must love it.

In 7 years AI may surpass humans with facts it can recall and maybe in even putting together facts to simulate intelligence, however, since it was not created by God, like we are, it does not have a spirit and can never know God.  It is merely an extension of man’s mind that God created and it will be used for evil purposes because the men and women who create this idol are evil, even though their slogan is “don’t be evil”.  If you inject, say, the Georgia Guidestones or the communist manifesto into its “mind”, then what you will get is a machine that will work toward those goals without discretion, remorse, empathy, mercy, love, or morality. (Just what the devil ordered!) The machine will not know those spiritual things, but could be relentless in achieving the goals programmed into it and will be efficient at the murder and destruction, it, through man’s proxy, can accomplish.   If you programmed into it the Bible and Christian principles, then it might be a good thing, but it might also do an eye for an eye justice or act without discrimination to where it could not be controlled.  But one thing’s for sure:  it will not have the Bible and Christian principles programmed into it because the creators of this idol hate the Bible and Christianity and are mostly atheists, evolutionists, and agnostics.  This, in fact, will be a part of this idol’s M.O., when it becomes a “teenager” and because as the prophet Jeremiah stated, “the mind of man is desperately wicked above all things”, so will it be.  When it becomes fully functional this idol will be a part of the beast system in the tribulation period.  It already is, but hey, it’s still just a kid.


Immaculate deception-The Art Of The Steal_ Volume ll Of the Navarro Report – UncoverDC


The Stolen Election by M.R. Sears 1-9-21

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”  Quote by Robert Green Ingersoll

There are 7 parameters that were in play with the Republican governors, secretary of state, courts, and Supreme Court.  Governors would not call for legislative sessions despite the outright fraud and steal of this election.  Courts and especially the Supreme Court would not hear the mountains of evidence along with dozens of avadavats.  No one would hear this mountain of hard core evidence.  Many spoke the lie that there was no credible evidence.  The following are the seven parameters:

  1. They were paid off (probably by the CCP and democrats) or they wanted to keep their chances alive for future lucrative jobs or appointments.
  2. They were afraid and cowards with no honor and abrogated their responsibility.
  3. They were threatened with bodily harm, financial ruin, etc.
  4. The enemy had something on them that could be released and ruin their reputation or chances for future ambitions
  5. They had a strong hatred of Trump and had a socialist/communist/atheist or other ideology with a hatred of capitalism and our constitution.
  6. They hate the constitution, rule of law, and Christianity, either all three or just one of these.
  7. They want to destroy our democratic republic and make it into another form of government.

Peter Navarro has a PhD from Harvard in economics and has produced two reports of which I now present to you.  You need this information to understand the great magnitude of this stolen election and that we now have an illegal regime of criminals dead set on the destruction of our America as we know it.  Biden was right about his stolen election when he said “our darkest days are ahead”.  You know don’t you, that the plan is to remove Biden and put in Kamala, the giggling, cackling Jezebel witch, who is so left of center that she is in danger of falling off her flat earth.

They did the exact same stealing procedure in the GA runoffs to steal those seats so that they can now rape and pillage America and turn it into a totalitarian state with them as undisputed dictators.  They already have big tech helping them in a big way along with the MSM (main stream media).  Face book and Twitter still have not blocked the accounts of known terrorists but has now blocked the President of the United States?  What a travesty!  Free speech is on its way out.  They are working now on getting rid of all conservative platforms and speech.  Second amendment is next.  They plan on opening the Mexico border and allowing anyone in (including MS13).  Not only that but they want to give them free health care and probably housing subsidy and food stamps.  They have said that the illegals along with any member of their family should get a check for $1,000 to help them along.  Talk about taking money away from the US citizen and probably old people and social security!  Saul Alinsky and Cloward and Piven would be so proud of them.  They want to now do away with Trump’s America First agenda.  Their 4th or ? Coup attempt appears to now be successful and we can get back to war and pillage and dirty rat politics as usual by the democrats, deep state, swamp creatures, and their owners the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).  Biden is bought and paid for by the CCP.  He’s their slave and will do as they command.

No, Trump won by a landslide in this election and did too many things for me to mention here that was very good for America.  He got America back on track from a long line of self serving politicians who were in it for themselves mainly and for self enrichment and fame.  He loves America and its people and wanted us to thrive and wanted to look after Americans first.  He brought back jobs and manufacturing.  He did more for the black and Latino communities than Obama ever did.  Obama was a big disaster and mess.  Trump has a very long list of accomplishments for America.  That is why he got re-elected in a landslide.

Now to the justices of the Supreme Court:   What about the three justices Trump appointed who were supposed to be pro-life and for the rule of law?  What happened to them?  Why did they not step forward with Thomas and Alido to hear the overwhelmingly solid evidence on the election corruption and law breaking?  It only takes four justices to accept and hear a case.  How many more abortions will now happen because they abrogated their authority and responsibility?  They rose to this position by their own merit, by Trumps selection to the highest of offices, and by God’s appointment to the highest office with enormous influence over the culture and therefore over the morality of the culture.  Why did they not step up?  Read the 7 parameters at the beginning of this article.

A warning to those who are placed in such positions of influence and responsibility:  With such influence and responsibility comes accountability to do what is right and just and moral.  How many more babies will now die in the womb because you chose the cowards way out?  When you are placed by providence into such places of great responsibility you must realize that you are accountable to God for your decisions, for your lack of courage, for your cowardice, and for your abrogation of duty to protect justice and perpetuate morality.  If you fail you will be judged by the Great Judge of the Bible, the one who gave you this awesome power that you have squandered.  You bear therefore now some responsibility and blame for every baby who is murdered in the womb because you failed.  It would have been better if you had not been chosen for such a high honor and office because you have failed your purpose and squandered your office because of cowardice or because you have embraced evil to give yourself relief from criticism and mocking by the evil factions trying to destroy this great nation under God, with liberty and justice for whom?  The evil always mock and stir up trouble.  We cannot be afraid of them.  Who are the evil?  Those who are not true Christians.  Those who use religion for evil and pollute it with evil.  All democrats and others who embrace infanticide with glee and great enthusiasm, as if God is not watching and taking it into account.

Congratulations to Thomas and Alido!

To the ones who chose not to act:  You passed the buck back down to the corrupt governors because you deemed it a political solution with authority resting there and not with you.  Why do you think you have this awesome power?  Not to pass it back to corrupt entities, who you know will make the wrong decisions, but to use it for good and justice and morality to protect the unborn and the born from evil!  It would have been better for you in judgment from God, if you had not been entrusted with this great power you failed to use for good and justice!  I am talking to the supposedly Christian justices, the ones Trump appointed.  Roberts along with some of the others are already corrupted and do not see things from a Christian perspective, which is the only one that can even begin to achieve true justice and equity and proper decision making.

Please open attachment for the Navarro reports.

Rules For Radicals Re-imagined with a Covid Twist by Michael R. Sears 12-16-20
Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky. Cloward-Piven Strategy by Richard Cloward and Francis Piven
of Columbia University. Both were longtime members of the Democratic Socialists of America,
where Piven today is an honorary chair. Both were hard core socialists that hated capitalism,
the American way of life, and the constitution. Also, speaking of Georgia in the news: look up
the Georgia Guidestones and see the stated agenda of the NWO (New World Order).
In their books they both state that the social system should be overloaded in order to break it
and cause riots and people to demand change to socialism. Today we see a variation of their
strategy in action, when Donald Trump’s economy was going gang busters like a steam roller
about to open up the greatest capitalist system people have dreamed about and free more and
more people from poverty and make more people independent and self-sufficient, making
America the greatest all time powerhouse super power in the world, all things that socialism
absolutely do not want, because it inhibits their control over society. So back to their variation
of strategy: and then along came Covid from their good buddies in China, so convenient and so
able to break society and stop Trumps capitalism freedom train. They overloaded the system
with Covid. They have stopped and ruined businesses. They have shut down free enterprise,
while Walmart, Target, Casinos, marijuana shops, liquor stores, etc. stay open and thrive. They
have conjured rules and tests, many of which are false positives and deaths attributed to Covid
are skewed and inflated. It has recently been found that dead strands of Covid DNA can cause
false positives. Many deaths are not Covid deaths even if the people may test positive for
Covid. My eye doctor’s husband tested positive for Covid, but she, who shares his bed, did not.
How can that be? This is an extremely contagious virus. Right? Well, I believe the husband
tested false positive for Covid and actually had a slight cold, but why let a good Covid go to
waste when you can add another number to the totals that are way over inflated and make the
doctor miss work for two weeks to make her poorer. Yes, the virus is lethal to some who could
probably die from the flu also. The death and total numbers are way over inflated for political
purposes mainly and so that the dictatorial lockdown can continue. When hospitals have big
monetary incentives for specifically Covid sickness or death, what do you think will happen?
Not only are they ruining economies and ruining small businesses, they are using Covid to
become dictators. They have us all running around with masks, cowering in corners, afraid of
our own shadow while they party and eat at fancy restaurants that they let stay open, so they
can enjoy the life of a dictator, without any masks in sight.
With this beautiful gift of Covid to them, they perpetrated the biggest theft and scam in history
when they saw a way to justify millions of mail in ballots so they could cheat their commie
a**es off. They are nothing but criminals, thugs, and traitors. They need to be in prison, but
2 of 2 Covid Rules for Radicals by Michael R. Sears 12-16-20
now it appears they may all be in public office in charge of our government, able to complete
the process of making us a third world socialist country like they have long dreamed of doing. I
still hold out hope that God will intervene and Trump will serve the second term that he
massively won. They just love China and China has been an enormous part of our problems.
China was in league with them and released the virus, supposedly. Bill Gates, who is another
scum bag commie billionaire, helped fund the lab in Wuhan. And I’m not even getting into the
commie billionaires who own Farcebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon, etc. who are now traitors.
Big tech has sold out to China. China owns Joe Biden and many of the democrats and
republicans. They have bought them off and maybe threatened them. This probably includes
the RINO governor and secretary of state of Georgia, because now they want to cheat their
radical freak candidates into office so they can, as Chucky Schumer so blithefully stated, “We
will change America.” He is, of course, just a useful idiot, as are most of the democrats and
RINOs. They do not realize they are advocating for the destruction of themselves and their
families. (Bible states: “if there be darkness in a person, how great is that darkness!” And in
Daniel 12: “The wicked will do wickedly and none of the wicked will understand but the
righteous will understand…”)
Hydroxychloroquine, according to Dr. Harvey Risch an epidemiologist at Standford, Covid is
cured by taking it and Azithromycin, with zinc, vitamin D3, and vitamin C. Dr. Risch states flat
out that Hydroxychloroquine with Azithromycin IS A CURE for Covid, if taken within the first 5
days of infection. He’s not alone. There are many more epidemiologists and front line doctors
who have the same view and experience. Dr. Stephen Smith, epidemiologist in New York, says
it is a cure. Look up the Dr. Vladimir Zelenko protocol. (It is also noted that Hydroxychloroquine
can also be effective against the common flu, but it’s too cheap and too effective and would
hurt hospital’s bottom lines—just sayin’)
The new world order could not have that. It was too simple and too easy. It screwed up their
new world order plans so they first demonized it, then the corrupt swamp agencies like the
CDC, WHO, Dr. Fauchi, and pharmacy boards everywhere banned it. We can’t have something
this quick and simple when we want to Cloward and Piven the hell out of our Covid and lock
down society and kill free enterprise and stop Trumps massive free enterprise capitalist train
and steal the election with millions of Covid justified mail in harvest votes and give us our long
desired socialist/communist society that is going to work this time in human history, when it
has never worked, but always left behind death, destruction, poverty, and misery.
Like I said, I still hold out hope that God will do a miracle, but we have been complacent
allowing abortion for years and millions of babies later. We have stood by and let pornography
grow to be an epidemic, so our judgment may be due. If God saves us this time, it won’t be
because we deserve it. Keep praying and repenting and maybe God will have mercy on us!

Mike Lee (senator) 

by Michael R. Sears 3-26-18

I watched an interview with Mike Lee by Mark Levin on his new TV show last night.  Lee was talking about how Scalia was best friends with Sotomayor, although they did not agree on almost everything.  Lee said that often people who are the farthest apart on philosophy and beliefs are sometimes the best of friends. How is this possible?  This just didn’t ring to be correct with me.

Now the scriptures tell us in the Bible in Amos 3:  “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”

Has civil discourse become so civil that we now willingly walk with our enemies, listen to what they say, and become friends with them?   Has intellectualism and education become so sophisticated that we are far beyond anything but a peaceful co-existence with those who willingly authorize the infanticide and butcher of millions of babies every year, far worse than any identified serial killer in prison?   It may not be possible for me to be friends with my enemy, but I could witness to them the truth and not agree with their evil doctrine.  One may even be civil with one’s enemies, but never fellowship with their works of darkness or approve their behavior.  I don’t think it is possible to become their “friend” (definition: A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.   A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade).   A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.Ephesians 5:  “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Amos 5:  “They hate him who reproves in the gate, And they abhor him who speaks with integrity.

Those who approve abortion do not recognize or go by this universal law common to all mankind from the beginning.  Like so much of our constitution its roots are in scripture that tells us in Jerimiah 1: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, And before you were born I consecrated you…”   and in Psalms 139:  “For you have possessed my reins: you have covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise you; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made:  marvelous are your works; and that my soul knows right well.  My substance was not hid from you , when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.  Your eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect; and in your book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.”

It is obvious then, when life begins, if one goes by Biblical teaching.  If one does not go by the Bible, then the question is open for debate and human opinion, influenced by demonic influence and by those who are so influenced.  Without absolutes of say “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights…” it becomes racism, communism, evolution, survival of the fittest, we’re all just animals, etc. It all becomes human debate and opinion.  All just and moral law is based on the Bible.  Without the Bible mankind tends toward evolution that says we’re just another animal, lawlessness and ungodliness, chaos and evil, sin and destruction, communism and democracy, oligarchy and totalitarianism.

Of course, if one does not believe in the Bible, a creator, or demons, then it is all just opinion based on one’s own experience, teaching, or education.  Social mores and the opinion of society will dictate much of one’s decisions.  Evolution will speak change and advancement to the student and there will be no moral absolutes, except what those at law agree to.

The Constitution of the US and the Declaration of Independence, along with the Mayflower Compact, are some of the most outstanding and moral documents the world has ever known and they are based on the Christian faith and the Bible, which is why they are so great.   Freedom and liberty are literally put into a form of government with these.  It is also the reason the ungodly heathens hate these documents and now we, as a people, are becoming a majority of Godless heathens hell bent on our own destruction without knowing it.  It is really a very sad thing to witness.   The Oligarchy was begun many years ago and has advanced to the stage we are in currently.  The Hyenas smell the blood and are ready to rip Old Glory from the hearts of sacrificed lives and tear off the flesh of morality to gulp down freedom and liberty until not even bones remain.

The evil factions and the shadow government now firmly entrenched, fund duped children into trying to get rid of part of our constitution.  They teach these children to demonize laws against criminal aliens, love abortion, love homosexuality, hate creationism, love Islam, tout evolution, while demonizing Christianity as being intolerant, and trying to convince them to even hate laws against free speech, another one of our amendments to destroy. 

If the free and liberty loving people of this nation do not rise up and get involved we are going to be taken over.


THESE TIMES      by Michael R. Sears      3-18-18

No matter how objective one thinks he or she is, there is always going to be human bias in humans and in the things they create, especially artificial intelligence and algorithm manipulation that we now see in our modern age of computers that we base our daily lives, income, information sources, and news upon. If one person or limited set of persons control something that is so universally used by all of us, then there is great opportunity for manipulation and covert brainwashing of the masses.  Such power in the hands of a few, especially if they are lacking in morality or have an evolutionist view of it, is a very dangerous thing.  This beast is rising for sure and dominating everything we do upon the whole earth.

Make no mistake the end game of the devil is to make war with the saints, wear them out, and extinguish them, which he will be successful at for a period of time. I believe this to be so because the Spirit of the God of the Bible, the Jewish Yahushua, has put into my heart and soul.  This is what I know to be truth, not just believe to be truth.  Of course others who believe something different may say the same thing; however there is a gigantic spiritual difference between Christianity and Judaism and every other human belief system.  What is that difference?  Christ / The Messiah.  It would take the span of a book to explain and we have one that is historically accurate, witnessed by many, and shown to be true in all the prophecies that have come forth from it, i.e., the Bible and the Torah.  This cannot be said of any other belief system or religion.

If the creators of artificial intelligence and search engine criteria and benchmarks are atheist, abortion loving, homosexual sympathetic evolutionists, this is going to come through on anything they create. There’s no such thing as objectivity and non-bias.   People are just by nature driven to propagate their own philosophy, ideas, and religion.  These things may not be the actual unbiased truth of the universe, but they may appear to be the “truth” to the person who believes it.  Persons have a group they adhere to and become a part of to where the group, crowd, gang, or mob will become as one brain and one set of beliefs generally will rule them.

Therefore, in these times of great increases in knowledge, along with great deception, foretold by the prophet Daniel in the Bible, we must take great precautions to not be deceived and brainwashed. That is best accomplished by becoming a Christian and studying the Bible and Torah and keeping ourselves unspotted from the world.

The people said to God, Get out of my society. So God got out.  The people said to God, remove your ten commandments from before our face, we cannot bear them.  So God removed them.  The people said to God, remove your prayers from our children’s midst, so God removed the prayers.  The people said to God, we hate our history and want to change it, so God allowed them to believe lies.  The people said to God, we want you out of our society, so God gave them over to the things in Romans 1.  The people said we want pornography on demand with no limitations, so God sees it and destruction awaits the violent perversion and defilers. The people said, science is above all things and we believe it over you, so God gave them over to a spirit of deception.  The people said, we want to murder our innocent babies, so God reserved the judgment up for them like a great river dammed.

We, who are Americans during this period of time, have never seen real oppression and darkness, like what is coming quickly upon mankind. We, who are Americans during this period of time have enjoyed all the fruits of the Bible based constitution and freedom brought forth with blood and war through our founding fathers.  Because of America and Christ, all the world has benefited and lived in relative prosperity.  These times are about to end.  War mongers with legions are waiting just beyond the horizon to destroy these works and bring upon man dark oppression and imprisonment.



MIAMI SCHOOL SHOOTING    2-22-18   by Michael R. Sears

There is now an all-out attack on our freedom and liberty.   The left main stream news media and all the Soros funded hordes of anarchy demonstrators and democrat operatives are out in force.  They are blaming the NRA, the Republicans, and Trump mainly for the school shooting, which they had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with!  They are not even mentioning the evil shooter but have changed it to the evil NRA and all those evil people who support them.

They have re-victimized the poor kids from the school and employed them as spokes people for the democrat party and the left, trying to make the public think that this was a completely student formed initiative and plan. What a shameful, evil, despicable thing for them to perpetrate!  They are truly without conscience, suffering from a form of madness for which the only cure is truth, which they purposely and with trepidation are against.

We have armed guards at museums where our children go, at all sporting events, at banks, at malls, etc. Every politician is guarded with many fully automatic guns and yet the left does not want our kids guarded at schools.  How crazy is that?  It’s because they actually WANT as much destruction upon the most emotional places possible so they can use that as a way to advance their evil agendas.  The democrat masses are not like that but are just brainwashed useful idiots in most cases listening to the hair brained reasoning of their leaders.  The leaders are like cockroaches in that they thrive on death and destruction.  When there is chaos and death, especially upon our children, they can roll out all sorts of super emotional wild and insane ideas in order to rid us of that old restrictive constitution.  They hate it and they hate conservatives with a total hatred and passion because they hate God, the Bible, liberty and freedom and they are part of the house of Satan.  That’s why they removed the 10 commandments, took prayer out of school, love Islam, Buddhism, Gaia, Eastern mysticism, atheism, the occult, agnosticism, education worship, intellectual worship, movie star, fameous, and athlete worship and idolatry, etc., and hate Christianity.  That’s why they love abortion and homosexuality.  That’s why they want criminal illegal aliens to stay in our country.  That’s why they want open borders because they despise our sovereignty.  That’s why they hold to the evil theory of evolution that says we are all just animals and it’s ridiculous to believe in any kind of creation (Hebrews 11).  Proverbs 13:  They hate God and love evil.  Daniel 12: the wicked will do wickedly and none of the wicked will understand…  Isaiah 5:  They call evil good and good evil…   2 Timothy 3:  They might even have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof, which is Yahushua (Christ).

NG^2-22-18   Art^Independence Day Message 7-1-17  Art^TenetsOfIslam^1-16-17     Art^8yearsOfplenty^12-7-17

What is Islam?

An article discussing the truth about Islam.

An article explaining the reason of cruelty in the world.

Bible War

A brief description of our cause followed by scripture and quotes.

Independence Day Message
An article describing the true meaning and Christian purpose of Independence Day.
An in depth plan talking about the steps and execution to salvation.

An amazing article about our small planet and its pulling truth about creation.

In depth article about the “new world order” commandments all going against Christ. Discover and read a Christian’s view on them.

An article addressing the makeup of Isalm religion, basic issues in today’s America, and how to gain faith as a Christian. 

An article challenging to reader to create a vivid painting about abortion, and then lists 43 graphic ideas that are not only through provoking but motivating.

An article discussing the issue of the trans community, the homosexual community, and how all this is becoming the destruction of our society and nation

An article that goes country to country and explains how the Muslim population is seen as a more violent group as the population grows.

An article specifically addressing Muslims to show them how to come to Christ.

In depth article discussing the vicious attacks towards Trump and the slow sinking of our great nation. Our country is corrupt and the politicians are making it worse. Click button above to read more!

Does Islam = Equality?

An article listing many reasons as to why Islam is not about equality.

An article going into detail about how our God given talents should be used for the glory of God.